Rodriguez sub-community is located in Mount Pleasant, 6 Wycombe. Our community patron saint is Alphonsus Rodríguez. Rodriguez was born in Segovia on 25 July 1532, and died on the 31 October 1617. He entered the novitiate in 1571 as a brother and became later the door-keeper of the college of Monteserion in Palma. 

Through his ministry, he showed humility, love and kindness, and saw God in each visitor who knocked at the gate. Like Rodriguez, we too define ourselves as Rodrigueans. We believe everyone that knocks at our door is another Jesus in disguise. And we constantly evaluate ourselves in terms of the quality of hospitality, selfless services, humility and love which marked the life of Saint Rodriguez.

What stands out amongst the members of Rodriquez community is mainly that unique spirit of companionship. As companions and friends, we are always and readily available. It is very easy to approach a Rodriguean for help of all sorts, and he will happily and humbly assist. Our evening table fellowship is always bursting with stories, jokes, and laughter. It always feels good to return home after a long day of work. We have no doubt
therefore that the spirit of St. Alphonsus Rodriguez lives in our community and that he is always praying for us.  

Companions Celebrating Easter Vigil