Mukasa community is named after the first Ugandan Catholic catechist
and martyr, Joseph Mukasa Balikuddembe. In many circles that St. Mukasa
is mentioned, he is regarded as a person who had discipline, courage and
empathy. Of the three qualities, courage came out strongly when he
confronted the King for having killed the Anglican bishop James
Hannington, a move that led to his own execution. In this case, St. Mukasa
did not consider the possible danger that challenging the King could bring.
He stood by what he believed and, that the King had misused his power.
In many ways, the virtue of courage in St Mukasa tells a story about
Mukasa community. In Mukasa, we believe that a strong and united
community is built upon a strong foundation of truth and openness. It is
this upholding of openness that helps us to fraternally correct one
another. One main feature that one finds in Mukasa community is the
courage to confront one another in a spirit of making the community itself
a better place, welcoming to all those who visit.
Those who have been to Mukasa community can testify that it is a home
they yearn to live in because of the hospitality we exhibit. The goodness
that people see outside is buttressed by the ability to challenge each
other (at table, in spiritual conversation, meetings and in times of
relaxation) to do the best one can. It is in this that we feel that we are
journeying in the footsteps of St Joseph Mukasa who showed his courage
to the King among many qualities that he possessed.